ANIMA Holding ranks 1st as the Best Asset Manager for the Italian Funds BIG category †
ANIMA Holding ranks 1st as the Best Asset Manager ESG for the Italian Funds BIG category †
ANIMA recognized as "Italian AM with most funds" at the MoneyMate Awards for the third year in a row.*****
ANIMA was awarded as Group Winner in the Equity Italy Category
Luigi Dompè was awarded at the Portfolio Manager Award 2024 in the Equity Italy Category
ANIMA Holding distinguished itself "for the quality of its ESG system in relation to Asset Management activities and the development of thematic products".
ANIMA Sgr ranks 1st as the Best Asset Manager for the Italian Funds Big category
The fund ANIMA Italian Small Mid Cap Equity (Silver Class) was awarded Best Fund in the Equity Euro Italy category
ANIMA recognized as "Italian AM with most funds" at the MoneyMate Awards for the second year in a row.*****
The project 'Intelligent Document Processing - Reconciliation of accounting statements' was awarded 3rd place in the Operations and IT category
The “Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza” (German Institute for Quality and Finance) has awarded ANIMA Sgr for the 11th year in a row. In 2024 it has been awarded as Top Gestore Fondi for the category Italia Big, which encompasses Asset Managers with assets under management above €50 billion.
ANIMA was awarded amongst the companies that were established at least 40 years ago and have maintained the brand over time
Anima Absolute Return, Anima Selezione Globale, Anima Sforzesco, Anima Valore Globale and Anima Visconteo were awarded amongst the strategies launched in the 1980s and still on the market
ANIMA ranks 1st as the Best Asset Manager for the Italian Funds BIG category, which includes asset managers with AuM for at least €8 bln promoted in open funds
ANIMA won the special prize 25th anniversary Best Asset Manager in the Italian Funds category, bestowed to the asset manager that received the most awards in the 25-year history of the Prize
Anima Selezione Europa won the award as Best Fund for the Equity Euro Europe - Large Cap category
ANIMA recognized as "Italian AM with most funds" at the first Italian edition of the MoneyMate Awards
Two awards for ANIMA's ESG offer. The 'ANIMA Net Zero Azionario Internazionale' fund and the 'Comunitam' system of funds for Catholic investors were awarded 1st and 3rd place in the Asset Management category.
The “Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza” (German Institute for Quality and Finance) has awarded ANIMA Sgr for the 10th year in a row. In 2023 it has been awarded as Top Gestore Fondi for the category Italia Big, which encompasses Asset Managers with assets under management above €50 billion.
ANIMA was recognised as "Top Gestore Fondi Sostenibili” Italia. The best sustainable fund managers, chosen amongst the same analyzed for the “Top Gestore Fondi” awards, have been selected considering in particular the Morningstar Sustainability Rating.
ANIMA awarded as “Italian Asset manager with the most triple A funds”.
ANIMA Sgr earns two important awards at the “Financial Innovation – Italian Awards” 2021 sponsored by AIFIn.
The German Institute for Quality and Finance appointed ANIMA with the Top Gestore Fondi (“Top Fund Manager”) Award amongst the Italian asset managers with assets under management in open-end funds above €30 blns (Category BIG).
Best Asset manager for the “Italian Equity” category
Best Italian AM for the category boasting between 41 and 70 rated-funds.***
The German Institute of Quality and Finance appointed ANIMA with the Award as Best Asset manager amongst the Italian companies with assets under management in open-end funds above €30blns*.
ANIMA has been awarded with the Triple A Award for the highest number of open-end Pension Funds boasting the triple A rating. The open pension fund offered by ANIMA is called Arti & Mestieri.
Luigi Dompé, Head of ANIMA's Italian Equity team, is the winner of the 2020 edition of the Citywire Italia Awards for the Italian Equity category.
ANIMA won AIFIn's "Asset management - innovation award" 2020 for its portfolio of nominated projects. The AIFIn "Asset Management - Innovation Award" is part of the award program related to the "Financial Innovation - Italian Awards."
ANIMA has been selected as the best manager of Fondi Italia Big, for the 3rd place, according to the German Institute for Quality and Finance, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by the business magazine Focus Money*.
The Alto Rendimento Award is sponsored by the 24ORE Group with the scientific advisory of Cfs Rating**.
ANIMA won the 3rd place the Best Asset Manager for Italia Big Funds at the 2019 edition of the Alto Rendimento Award, sponsored by the 24ORE Group with the scientific advisory of Cfs Rating**.
Best Italian Asset Manger in the category boasting between 71 and 100 rated funds. ***
1st place in the Open Pension Funds category: company with the highest number of Triple A products
ANIMA has been selected again as the best Asset Manager Italia Big according to the German Institute of Quality and Finance, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by the business magazine Focus Money.
ANIMA won the 2nd place as the Best Asset Manager for Italia BIG Funds at the Alto Rendimento Awards 2018, sponsored by the 24ORE Group with the scientific advisory of Cfs Rating.
ANIMA won as the Best Flexible Total Return Fund for Gestielle Obiettivo Emerging Markets
ANIMA won the 2nd place as the Best Pirs (Individual Saving Plans) – Best Pir Fund for Anima Iniziativa Italia, Class A
Company with the highest number of funds with AAA rating, among Italian based SGRs, at the Milano Finanza Global Awards 2018. For more information, please consult the 2018 Investor Yearbook.
ANIMA has won as best manager Fondi Italia Big, first place, at the Premio Alto Rendimento 2017. The Premio Alto Rendimento is promoted by the 24 ORE Group with the scientific collaboration of Cfs Rating *.
ANIMA won as Best 20th Special Manager in the Italian Funds category, at the Premio Alto Rendimento 2017. The Premio Alto Rendimento is promoted by the 24 ORE Group with the scientific collaboration of Cfs Rating.
ANIMA was once again the best manager of Fondi Italia Big according to the German Quality and Finance Institute, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by Focus Money magazine **.
ANIMA was awarded a Citywire's Best Group Award, an award that recognizes the skills of asset management companies, rewarding the talent and experience of their management teams in creating value, a key feature of the best global management companies.
For the fourth time in a row ANIMA has been the best manager of Fondi Italia Big according to the German Quality and Finance Institute, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by Focus Money magazine.
ANIMA won the 2nd place as Best Italian BIG fund manager in the 19th edition of the Premio Alto Rendimento, promoted by the 24 ORE GROUP and awarded to the management companies and the mutual investment funds that have distinguished themselves for the results achieved during the course of the last three years **.
Italian company with the best average rating among companies with more than 30 funds with MF ratings: Milano Finanza evaluates, on a 36-month horizon, the average monthly yield of each product, the number of monthly returns above the average of the sub-fund and the volatility of the monthly changes in the fund.
ANIMA has been the best manager of Fondi Italia Big for the third consecutive year, according to the German Quality and Finance Institute, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by Focus Money magazine.
ANIMA won the 1st place as the best Italian BIG fund manager in the 18th edition of the Premio Alto Rendimento, promoted by the 24 ORE GROUP and awarded to the management companies and mutual funds that have distinguished themselves for the results achieved in the course of the last three years.
ANIMA was the second time the best manager of Fondi Italia Big according to the German Quality and Finance Institute, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by Focus Money magazine.
ANIMA won the 2nd place as the best Italian BIG fund manager in the 17th edition of the Premio Alto Rendimento, promoted by the 24 ORE GROUP and awarded to the management companies and mutual funds that have distinguished themselves for the results achieved.
ANIMA was the best fund manager according to the German Quality and Finance Institute, an independent body specialized in the analysis and comparison of financial products, founded by Focus Money magazine.
Italian company with the best average rating among companies with more than 20 funds with MF ratings
ANIMA ranked 2nd in the position of Best Italian BIG Fund Manager (Italian asset management company with at least 4bn euros of AUM). ANIMA ranked as 2nd Best Italian BIG Fund Manager (Italian asset management companies with assets of over 4 billion euros) while Anima America was awarded for the second consecutive year the "Best Geographic Equity Fund - Az. America" prize and PRIMA Fix High Yield Cl. A the "Italian Funds - Best Euro Bond Fund" prize.
*The Institute compared open-end funds belonging to ten different categories, considered as the most relevant in Italy, using Morningstar data. The analysis rests upon two criteria, which take into account the return on capital and the protection of savings: the average annual return over the last five years (all data as of 31/12/2020); the risk expressed by the maximum percentage of loss over the last five years ("Max Drawdown"). The ranking of the best asset managers results from the sum of all points earned by the asset managers in the 10 categories analyzed. All the funds that are saleable in Italy (only for retail classes) and have a track-record of at least 5 years and a volume of at least €7,5 million were considered. For all the details regarding the calculation methodology please refer to the website