
ANIMA Sgr S.p.A. (hereinafter SGR) has adopted suitable procedures to ensure customers a prompt handling of the complaints presented. 

The handling of complaints is entrusted to the Compliance Service.

The complaint must contain the client's identification details, the reasons for the request and it has to be signed by a delegate.

The complaint, together with any related supporting documentation, a copy of the customer's identity document and any proxy, must be addressed to: 

ANIMA Sgr S.p.A.
Compliance Service 
Corso Garibaldi, 99
20121 Milan


registered letter or
e-mail address: or
Certified Mail:

Complaints regarding Arti&Mestieri Pension Fund can also be addressed through the reserved area of the site

The final outcome of the complaint, containing the decisions of the SGR, is notified within 60 days, in writing, by registered letter or by Certified mail.