Responsible Investment

The Group’s operating companies support the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and commit to integrating them into their ESG Policies and investment processes. The companies annually report their ESG-related activities within their PRI Transparency Report. UNPRI evaluates the report and issues a rating for the compliance with the Principles. 

By supporting the PRI, the operating companies commit to:
  1. incorporate ESG criteria in the investment process and analysis;
  2. operate as active shareholder, integrating ESG issues into ownership policies and practices;
  3. ask for adequate ESG communication by issuers included in the investment portfolios;
  4. promote the implementation of the Principles within the financial sector;
  5. work with industry operators to improve the effective implementation of the Principles;
  6. periodically report on the activities and progresses made in the implementation of the Principles.


In line with the Group’s approach to transparency, Anima SGR set up a website to present its commitment to ESG-related matters. 
Further documentation provided by the company is listed below.



To consult Anima SGR’s ESG Reports, please refer to the section  ”Sustainability & ESG Reporting”.


Anima Alternative SGR incorporates sustainability principles within the investment process and analysis, as detailed in the company’s ESG Policy.
For further information, please refer to the dedicated page of the company’s website


Castello SGR remains close to investors when carrying out its activities on the market, by orienting its choices towards sustainable and long-term value creation, in order to make a positive impact on society. Accordingly, Castello SGR pursues ESG integration within the business management and the investment strategy, as detailed in the company’s ESG Policy.
For further information, please refer to the dedicated page of the company’s website.


Kairos believes that assessing and monitoring the sustainability risks of issuers will have a positive long-term impact on the returns of financial instruments. Further documentation provided by the company is listed below.
For further information, please refer to the dedicated page of the company website.